Collaborations Events

Arvida Byström x CHART x Mads Nørgaard – Copenhagen

The annual art event CHART takes place this week, showcasing the best of the Nordic art scene at Charlottenborg in Copenhagen from august 29 to september 1.
Arvida Byström x CHART x Mads Nørgaard – Copenhagen

Print & Book Fair  

Visit our stand at the CHART Print & Book Fair, where we will sell a curated selection of limited edition products from previous collaborations. Find us in the Festsalen at Charlottenborg in Copenhagen from august 29 to september 1.

We are proud of our collaboration with CHART and have, together with the talented Swedish artist Arvida Byström, represented by Gallery Steinsland Berliner, developed a selection of products for all CHART staff.

CHART Staff T-shirt & Totebags

The Swedish multidisciplinary artist Arvida Byström has left her mark on two classic Mads Nørgaard - Copenhagen products: a t-shirt and a tote bag. The design, titled Womb Envy, is directly inspired by the German psychoanalyst Karen Horney's counter-concept to Sigmund Freud's Penis Envy, where Karen instead suggests that men envy women's ability to give birth.

Through what Arvida describes as a less essentialist gendered reading of this concept today, one could argue that anyone who creates something, for example anthropomorphic art and especially AI, could be argued to be a form of womb envy.

In this sense, creating art could be interpreted as an act of womb envy.

The t-shirt and totebag are a part of a collaboration between Mads Nørgaard – Copenhagen, Arvida Byström, and the CHART art fair, which takes place in Copenhagen from august 29 to september 1. Read more about this year's CHART programme here.


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