CO2 Focus

We track our CO2 emissions to the best of our ability. Every little change to our production processes can make an impact.

Since 2018, we have tracked our Co2 emissions to the best of our ability. Every little change to our processes can make an impact – may it be the use of Better Fibers or less impact packaging material in our production and webshop.  Additionally, we believe that the consolidation of our production to fewer partners and countries closer to us, as well as choosing changing freight modes, have had a positive effect on our C02 footprint. The exact effect will be traced going forward.



We partnered with sustainable consulting agency Cemasys to help calculate our CO2 footprint. In addition to using Better Fibers, we buy carbon credits to offset CO2 emissions from our clothing production. We strive to be climate positive and buy twice the number of credits needed to offset our emissions.


Mangrove trees

In 2020, we started to invest in planting 17,500 Mangrove trees in Myanmar's Thor Heyerdahl Park. In 20-years-time, this initiative will annually offset five times our annual CO2 emissions.

The project also provides a livelihood to the local population and better protection against floods and tsunamis, while restoring the ecological balance in vulnerable coastal areas.



To reduce waste, we keep our packaging to a minimum. Our online store used to use cardboard packaging with traditional filling materials. Now it uses a single flexible FSC-certified paper bag, which reduces the volume of packaging used by the online store. 

We also offer the reusable and returnable RePack to our online customers. The durable postal package is made of post-waste recycled polypropylene that can be reused time and again. After 20 cycles, a RePack saves 80% of the CO2 compared to manufacturing, shipping, and treating the equivalent cardboard boxes. Read more about RePack here.

We use a polybag to protect our products from dirt, dust, and humidity. By summer 2023, all our polybags will be reusable and made of 80% recycled plastic.